Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cannon my Cannon...

This actually happened a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't been so hot on the blog lately. Cannon has officially hit the pre-terrible two's, or maybe he just skipped straight to the terrible two's! Either way this was one fun Saturday. Luckily Brandon was home so Cannon is still alive and well. With in-minutes this kid had successfully dumped out a whole bag of pretzels and dumped out a hefty amount of baby powder all over my room. Which then required not only a second outfit by an early 10am but also another round of vacuuming! What a stinker! Luckily my super-duper Dyson did the dirty work! As for the pantry trick, lets just say we now have a child safety knob on the door so we don't get anymore unwelcome snack times!

He knew he was BUSTED! The funny thing is, is that Cannon HATES stuff sticking to him. He instantly tries to shake it off while throwing a tantrum, so he was trying to shake of the powder and he was getting so frustrated! It served him right after that stunt!


Dr. Lordeslupe said...

He is sooo dang cute though. Show everyone the picture of him riding his bike on the couch. That one is a keeper.

Andrus Family said...

That picture is hilarious!

Michelle and James said...

That is too funny. I think its boys honestly. I could be wrong but those boys seem to find anything and everything to get into.

Catey said...

lol! This is where it really starts getting fun! ; )