Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monsters Inc!

We have a new favorite around our house! It is Monsters Inc! Cannon absolutely loves this movie and just can't get enough! He wakes up in the morning and the first thing he asks is "you wanna watch Monsters?" It is too cute, but how much of ANY Disney movie can a mom take? Seriously dude!

This morning he was still asleep when I got in the shower, by the time I got out of the shower he was seated comfortably on the couch watching....what else but MONSTERS! He had figured out how to get the DVD player hooked up, the DVD in the player and started the DVD. A GENIUS I know! It is hard for me to figure out sometimes. He promptly asked me if I wanted to watch Monsters with him.

I love that he is finally interested enough in movies to actually sit and watch one, and I mean only one literally. What I am not loving is the fact now that is what he wants to do all day everyday. I usually let him watch it through once and then it goes off for the day. The other thing that I am loving is that now he acts like a monster. It is so funny. He walks around with his hands up and roars at everyone. Usually around bed time, but lets just say it is very entertaining! Oh what a kid. Love him!

I think it is quite fitting that Monsters is currently his favorite movie because his attitude is much the same these days! I guess it's just the terrible two's only to lead to an even worse 3!


Bree said...

Addi has been through them all she loved Toy Story, then Nemo, then Monsters. We had a wonderful phase of each one, now she loves them all the same including Dora, all the Princess movies, Peter Pan, 101 Dalmations you name it we have watched it a million times. Wait tell you are prego the one movie a day rule will be the first thing to go.

Jenny and Kasey said...

I was going to tell you...he was walking around Kara while moving his hands saying "FE FI FO FUM"....LOL it was so cute!!!

Dr. Lordeslupe said...

MISS YOU..I am going to cry. Sad I dont get to hear these first hand any more

Heather said...

I shouldn't tell you this but age 3 was way worse then 2....for all my kids. Enjoy movie time:)

Clements Family said...

Cute that he likes that movie! Breckon used to too...
I am sad we didn't see you at Red Robin! Hope you had fun!

Robin and Ryan said...

He is SOO Cute!! I'm so glad to know that there are other toddlers that wake up and the first thing out of their mouth, is that they want to watch a movie... Maddy's is Lilo and Stich, the kid can practially quote the whole thing, she has watched it daily for a few months now, arg, she really needs a new movie. :)
Thanks for giving me your blog address!