Sunday, January 1, 2012


WELCOME 2012! We are currently on a sweet vaca in California. I cant think of a better way to begin a new year other than on vacation in beautiful Oceanside. It is lovely here and if it weren't so pricey to live in Cali I would have a FOR SALE sign in my front yard. Ronald Reagan spoke the truth, "if the West Coast had been discovered first there would be no East Coast." Don't get me wrong the East Coast is beautiful too but there is something about the weather here.

I wrung in the New Year dead asleep having gone to bed with Brooklyn at an early 830 pm! BOOM! Can't remember the last time I was in bed that early. As a result I didn't really reflect on my New Year's Resolutions until today.

One of them is to travel more. :) Yeah, I can only hope that will really happen. I want to appreciate this beautiful world more. I think it takes getting out of your "rut" to see the other beauties the world has to offer for you to appreciate the world more. God truly did create an AWESOME place for us to dwell.

For my blog followers, and my own personal journaling, I hope to give my blog a little more love this year. I love looking back on my blog and this year I hope to be better about keeping up on it.

The rest of my resolutions are pretty typical, lose weight, exercise more, run a few races this year, eat better and be a better person all around, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually etc.

Being on vacation during the New Year gives you a sense of rejuvenation especially when you are in a beautiful sea side city. So thanks vaca and here's to a wonderful 2012 full of motivation and new adventures!


Bree said...

I was going to tell you I could think of a better place to be but that would include the east coast ;) If you are wanting to travel more I know some people who live five minutes from disney, 20 from universal and sea world, and about 45 from the beach who would love from you to come visit!

Tisha and Mark said...

Sad we missed you in Vegas!! I hope you had a marvelous time! Let's start planning a craft night...get working on millie's wedding stuff :)