Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I would be lying if I said that I never drank these...LYING!!! 
There are some days when one of these two are the leading ladies in my day! I kid you not! I can be having a crappy day and receive a special delivery from a friend, one of these ^^^ beauties and suddenly all is right with the world.  There is nothing better than an ICE cold, FROTHY, FOUNTAIN Bev! Is it a problem that this makes my gratitude list? Perhaps to some, but let me tell you, some days it is the only thing that gets me through, it is my REWARD, my MOMMY salary, my RELIEF from the day! Some days it is my SOLE outing, a trip to get out of the house to grasp some Sanity! 
So today, thank you SODA (mainly Diet Dew and the DC) for existing!