Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Cannon is SO FUNNY theses days! I swear we will be on the verge of killing him because he has been such a stink, and then he will pull off some comedic event that makes us forget just why we were ever mad in the first place! Here are just a few examples from the last few days.

  • My mom stopped the other morning on her way to work and Cannon was just getting dressed. So my mom starts changing him and he points to his man thing and says "pee pee." I wasn't sure he even knew what it was. The best part was when my mom got the new diaper on he said, (gasps) "where'd it go?"
  • Monday I was tending my nephew and he started to cry for his mom, Cannon tilted his head looked him straight in the face and said, "Stop, you're okay." I know this is a reflection of my parenting skills, but c'mon it's funny!
  • Tuesday me and Brandon were having a discussion about something and Brandon said "I don't know." Cannon had almost met death because he made a disaster in the office, well just as Brandon was going in for the kill Cannon looks at him and says, shrugging his shoulders, "I don know."
  • Wednesday Cannon was waiting in the hall wrapped in his towel after his bath, or so I thought. I come out of his room with his diaper and p.j.'s and he is no where to be found. He had bolted out of the front door and was streaking down the street! When I caught him he just laughed.
  • Cannon thinks he is wicked awesome when he wears his snow boots with his shorts! We have a serious problem I know! The thing that has been so funny is with all the Michael Jackson hoopla, he has been found numerous times in shorts, no shirt, his snow boots all while practicing his Michael Jackson dance moves in front of the TV. (Brandon is frequent VH1 viewer.) I have tried to get this on video but I am failing miserably!
He is seriously hysterical sometimes. This is such a fun age. It is so fun to see his little personality coming out so colorfully! Some of my other favorite phrases lately include:
I wuv you!
I'm gonna get you!
Ready, Setti, GO!
Where'd it go!
There it is!
Outside! (Where we practically live these days)
Splash! Splash! (that means swimming pool)
MO (not my favorite, but it's funny that he says mo and not no)

I love that he is talking so much, it sure makes communicating easier. It is just so fun to see him put phrases together. He is learning so much so fast!
We love you buddy!


Aaron said...


Don't you write about anything else?

Ha-ha...just kidding.

When are we getting together again?

Clements Family said...

That is so is exciting when they can talk and tell you what they want. Bella just sits and screaches like a bird, and points at the pantry. Drives me crazy!

Jeff and Brandi said...

Oh gosh...He is a character! Lets go swimming again soon. We took Dylan last week to an outdoor pool. He did fine so I'm guessing last time was because it was so loud. Hopefully we have better luck together next time. Love your can man! He always makes me smile.

Bree said...

Sara and I were talking yesterday and saying what a crack up Cannon is, love that kid!

kdance said...

I love this age, too! Just when I'm about to disown Evan because of his naughtyness, he goes and does something so cute. Cannon is a crack up. I wish we lived by each other so our boys could play. THey'd have a blast. Love the streaking story, by the way. What a little exhibitionist.

the Tonioli's said...

How stink'n cute is he!? When they do all those cute things it makes all the bad seem easier to handle. That is until your in the middle of handling those moments when you want to scream, but then their cute again and you feel guilty for being mad. Oh, kids!

Andrus Family said...

Too funny! He has such a fun little personality and for the most part don't ya feel like they he is at a fun stage? However, Mil still has her many moments that make me crazy! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend...finally!