Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The big halfer!

Brandon has had this life long goal of running in a marathon. I am not sure why because honestly running for 4hrs sounds like absolute misery if you ask me! Non-the-less it is on his bucket list if you will. So on Saturday he took one step closer to completing that goal! He ran the SLC Half marathon with his sister Jackie. He did awesome and I was so proud of him!!! He completed the race in 2 hrs and 45 min. Not too shabby, considering it was his first and his training routine wasn't ideal. His ultimate goal was just to finish and not be kicked off the route while the barricades were coming down. :)

He hurt his knee playing basketball the week before so he wasn't even sure if he would be able to run it, not to mention the fact that training for this wasn't exactly easy considering it was right in the heart of busy season. However, he managed to get some big runs in on Saturdays and a few miles here & there during Jazz games etc. All in all he did really well with the amount of training he was able to put into it.

If you read my previous post about Cannon being Brandon's payback child, you will confirm that here because as we made our way through the crowd of over 12,000 runners not counting spectators, found a parking spot (GOOD THING GMA Karen was there) and waited for our beloved peeps to cross the finish line, guess who had to go potty...NO not the pregnant lady, the 2 YEAR OLD so of course we missed B crossing the finish line, but found him in time get a nice sweaty hug!

So here's to you HONEY! Congrats on the halfer and on to a the full!

SIDE NOTE...As I was looking through some pics I noticed this...

Let me just say what a difference a year makes. At this time last year I was running my own race, feeling great and looking better than I have in a long time. Now I have a lot of work to do post baby, maybe I need to look into my own halfer! If this pic isn't motivation I don't know what is!


Aaron said...

Like I told your hubby.....when I get out of school.....Triathlon.

Amy said...

I appreciate your PO very much the picture with the article. Continues to refuel!!