Thursday, May 20, 2010

Baby Woes

The other night Brandon & I were lying in bed discussing the new addition that is set to arrive to our family and I asked him if he was getting excited? He tells me he is getting "scared and nervous." Understandable, but those feelings have long subsided for me, as now I am uncomfortable, can't sleep, having heartburn with anything and everything, have most of my projects done etc. Now I am feeling anxious and excited to have the sweet spirit of a new baby in our midst. I think on it for a minute and ask him why he is scared? This is a rundown of the conversation that followed:

B: "I'm just not looking forward to a new born waking up in the night and waking me up too. I'm scared that I won't get any sleep."

Me: "BAAAAAHAHAHABAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What seriously that is your concern?"

B: "Yes, why is that funny?"

Me: Because, you will spend the next 4 months out of town in the peace of a hotel room with no foreseeable disruptions and amazingly enough we have a nearly THREE year old who wakes up in the night regularly crying to go to the bathroom, from a night terror or even better having walked into our room and crawled in our bed IN BETWEEN us spending ALL NIGHT with his heels digging into your back and yet you remain completely oblivious and unconscious through it all. Then EVERY morning you ask me "When did Cannon come in our room" or "did C wake up last night?" and you are worried that the soft cry of a newborn is going to wake you up?

B:" I don't sleep through all that!"

Me: "OK!"(conversation ends and we tune into Leno...goodnight)

Fast forward to 7am the next morning. (Cannon woke up not once but twice, screaming crying needing something, the bear continues to hibernate oblivious to what is happening and C ended up in our bed.) B asks me the same old questions "when did he wake up." I just look at him, smile and know that we BOTH know that I indeed won the argument from the night before.

So to that I add this; SWEET DREAMS honey. I hope your baby woes subside after you get a few good hours of sleep! :)


Harrison Family said...

Tha is so funny! I hear those questions every morning from Nate. Talan ends up in our bed at some point every night and seems to only kick me and take over my entire side all the while leaving Nate completely alone. So not fair!

Dr. Lordeslupe said...
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Dr. Lordeslupe said...

I so miss our conversation of how Brandon is a douche bag. Thanks for reminding me that I would work with the cast of High School Musical!!!!

Kristy Cefalo said...

I swear I have had this same conversation with my husband.

Aaron said...

Someone wrote douche bag on your blog??? Really?

.....Brandon cracks me up.

You go Brandon....they don't understand either.

Sara said...

Oh I love it!!!1Ya the guys have no room to complain when we are the ones getting up to feed the babes in the middle night:) Oh but bless their hearts...sorry Brand is oh so stressed and worried:) so funny!

kdance said...

I love my husband, but let's face it. Men are whiners.

Aaron said...

Wow Karin....I dare say your husband has a different story.