Friday, September 23, 2011

Did anyone ever tell you....

You know when you are in the pre-parenting stage of life and you see kids who misbehave or act in an "unacceptable" manner and think to yourself "I will NEVER let my kid act like that and I will NEVER have 'that' kid!" Yes well, in the words of my mother "did anyone ever tell you that you have that kid?" It's true, I have that kid and with a name like Cannon Ball would you expect anything different. He isn't really a naughty kid and in most occasions is quite well behaved but every once in awhile we have one of "those" moments.

The thing with Cannon is he is incredibly stubborn! I have NO idea where he would get that, having two oldest child parents. And he does things on his own time. Which should have been evident 4yrs ago when he was two weeks over due!

We have been practicing for our primary program for weeks now. I am in Senior primary so I have been able to keep on eye on the C-man during practice. Cannon received his part and had it memorized the same day. The kid is smart just stubborn. While we practice with the primary he absolutely refuses to go up to the mic to say his part. Not because he is scared or wants help but just because matter-of-factly "he doesn't want to." As his teacher said, that is a hard point to argue. I would agree but it is also extremely frustrating! So I begin the bribing process hoping that I can get a shinning moment of glory out of this program with incredibly smart, adorable, little man. I promise him a new car, a trip to the dollar store, a lunch date, a combination of things if he will just say his part in the microphone. Brandon even pulled the, same day IN-N-OUT bribe, promising him we would go right after he said his part, across the parking lot to IN-N-OUT and he could get a grilled cheese. 2 of Cannon's favorites. Still nothing!
So as we spent the last few Sundays practicing I cross my fingers hoping each would be the day. Every week asking Cannon if he would do his part so we could go get him a new toy only to get this response "Hmmm we'll see mom." Which translates to yeah right but I am still going to try to weasel out a new toy.

Finally it's show time. Program day. Grandma Chris and Grandpa Grant coming, Grandpa Jeff and Grandma Diana came, all of them with the no guarantee stamp from me. Meaning I can't make any promises that Cannon will preform so come at your own risk!

He tells me Sunday morning "mom today I am going to do my part and I am going to get a new toy." I am elated hoping it could only be true! He tells Grandma's and Grandpa's once at church "today I am going to do my part and get a new toy." PROGRESS! At least he is committing!

The program begins it is going along great, it is time for the Sunbeams to head to the mic for their part. I can see Sir Cannon making his way to the mic I am almost giddy! So proud that he is going to do it! All of the sudden I hear a loud crash of chairs. Wait someone is crying. Wait that someone belongs to me. Wait that wasn't just a chair that was a head hitting a chair. Wait here it is my moment lost forever in the thunderous, air gasping cries of my 4year old who is making his way back to me. And it's over....the moment of glory, the opportunity for IN-N-OUT, the new toy, the first shinning moment in our first primary program that just may bring a tear to my eye, all gone in the crash of a chair. It couldn't have been during a rehearsal or someonelse's child, it was during the real deal and it was my child, "that" child.

The program continues. Cannon returns to sit with his class and no more tragedies evolve.
We make our way back to our supporters only to hear these words from grandma Chris "did anyone ever tell you you have 'that' child?" Ahhh yes, I do indeed. However, he did have A part in the program, just not that one I was hoping for. It was more like one of those pre-parenting moments when you think "I will NEVER have 'that' child."

Word to the wise we all have "that" child once in awhile and guess what I think it's "those" moments that make us love them more because after all that's what parenting is all about having moments and making memories. Good, bad, embarrassing, proud, happy, sad, exciting etc. We have had plenty of "those" moments with Cannon, but that's what makes him him and I wouldn't change him. Not one thing because then he wouldn't be Cannon.

On a side note, Cannon was reverent and sang great and anyone can tell me how wonderful he is because that too is so very true!


Reagan Family said...

I love it! I have 3 of "those" kids...and I agree i wouldn't change a thing, I love them just the way they are...those moments and everything!

Reagan Family said...

P.S. I am pretty sure I still think things like I will NEVER let my kid do think by now i would have grown up a bit...nah! Also, we sang Love at Home the other day in church so naturally I thought of you. :) Love ya!

Jeff and Brandi said...

I know I have "that kid" and have accepted it! LOL. Aren't they great?!

Clements Family said...

OOh man! But at least he sang good!