Thursday, May 24, 2012

Gotta Wanna!

I am having a serious problem! I seem to be having an overwhelming addiction to anything with sugar. Let me give you a rundown....

Tuesday night I had to run to the store to get some milk, of course I walked out with cookies! Who wouldn't when a yummy Lofthouse cookie with Memorial Day sprinkles and cream cheese frosting are just waiting to be devoured! Came home, ate 2! Yes not 1, 2! 

Proceed to Wednesday morning. I am headed off to my regularly scheduled workout when I see one of those devilish Lofthouse cookies staring me in the face, so naturally I grab one for the road and eat it on my way to exercise.  NICE! Kinda makes the whole 60 minute workout routine seem kinda null and void right?! gets better.  Moving on to Wednesday afternoon, I notice I have an UN-opened package of El Fudge grasshopper cookies. I grab a couple and promptly toss them in my mouth where they all to quickly melt away.  As if that weren't enough I go ahead and eat a couple more WHILE I am in the process of MAKING chocolate chip cookies that include 1lb, that's right an ENTIRE box, 1 POUND of that yummy, melt in your mouth goodness...BUTTER! I'm not sure if I dare mention the 21/2 cups of sugar that were included as well.  I will say this cookie recipe is a rare splurge because it is obviously so clearly BAD for you.  So why did I make them? Palin and simple...I didn't have any shortening....I say that as if that were an excuse. Nope, just fact of the matter. 

Here's the funny thing.  Brandon, "the I am going to lose weight starting TODAY and everyday" husband of mine, comes home from work and immediately grabs a cookie while I am cutting up some zucchini squash for dinner. I say to him, you know if you were looking for a healthier option it would have been the squash rather than the cookie.  Kettle black anyone??? I mean really, I am not even sure I thought about what I said before I said it.  

Despite my best efforts to give away as many cookies as possible I still have a container full.  So while up in the middle of the night what do I do?  Grab a cookie of course.  I figured it was earned since I was up with a sick kid and not out of lack of wanting to actually be asleep.  As if that weren't bad enough, I go ahead and have another cookie for breakfast when I get up for real and then add to my diet a delicious, fudge covered, soft, chocolatey, divine, gets me every time, BROWNIE that my sweet neighbor brought me as a Thank You.  Do you see the problem here?!?!

Then I run upon my friends blog, who just happens to be having a glorious giveaway for a HAPARI gift card.  Then, and only then is it I am recognizing that as much as I would like to win that giveaway...I CLEARLY am having a sugar addiction! I think of that fact that I really do need a new swimsuit and if I could win a gift card and get it for free, wouldn't that be better? That leads to my next is almost swimsuit season and I am eating NOTHING but sugar and cookies! Fabulous! Can't wait to see what I look like in suit this year.

So, call this accountability, admitting I have this crazy love affair with sugar or even a chance for you to benefit and earn the HAPARI giveaway knowing full well you will probably look better in that beautiful swimsuit than yours truly.  After all, you have gotta wanna...and as much as I wanna win this giveaway, as much as I wanna be a slim and gorgeous girl flaunting a 120lb weight and as much as I want all my efforts at aerobics and running to be maximized, I'm not sure I wanna give up a yummy cookie, or lets be honest A LOT of yummy cookies.  So until then I guess, I will dream of the day when I really wanna!!! So, here's to you as well as me winning that HAPARI card.  Maybe that will kick me into gear. 

To enter the giveaway go here


Clements Family said...

Ok rachel...that is pretty much the funniest post I have read in a long time!! I can totally relate. I can eat a whole package of cookies before I realize it! Brooks is always calling me out on my unhealthy eating! Ps...thanks for sharing my blog!!

Martha said...

Yep, sounds VERY familiar. I try not to keep sweets around the house, and fail miserably. Last week I ate an entire bucket- BUCKET of Farr's ice cream before my husband even noticed it was in the freezer. I buy Oreos and I HIDE THEM!!! so he doesn't eat any. I am terrible. Terrible, I tell you.