Thursday, September 13, 2012

The BIG 5!

Cannon has officially turned 5! He is now too big to kiss his parents on the lips, use the bathroom with the door open, watch "baby" shows with his sister and give his grandma's loves with a kiss and an unsolicited I LOVE YOU!
He is however, in his words, big enough to watch the "real" transformers because it's not scary, have 5 chicken nuggets instead of 4, drink chocolate milk all the time, play with a friend or at least ask to play with a friend EVERY SINGLE day and go to bed when mom and dad go to bed because he is "old" now.

To celebrate his new wisdom and his "old age" he decided it was going to be a Batman kind of birthday. 

 We spent the day swimming with friends at one of Cannon's favorite places, the "outside pool," and enjoyed some yummy batman cupcakes! 

Then we headed home to clean up and get ready to get our party on at CHUCK E CHEESE!  Seriously, the kid has been begging to go there for what seems like forever! I blame Cartoon Network....they have done their homework when it comes to advertising.  We enjoyed some surprisingly good pizza, got a our groove on with the skee ball, took a shot at some other arcade games,

 spent some time in the photo booth.  This thing was seriously cool! It took your pic and then showed it drawing your photo then bam a paper shot out with your portrait.

As usual the kid was spoiled! He got a batman motorcycle from Millie and Conner, a batman car, a Scooby Doo Wii game and some shoes from mom and dad, The Lorax from grandpa and grandma Percival, Money and a tag for his backpack from grandma Karen,


a DREAM LIGHT from grandma Chris and grandpa Grant.  

Here's the funny on the dream light.  Cannon has been begging for one for about 6months.  There is a commercial that comes on Cartoon Network every ten seconds that has been brainwashing him.  So keeps telling me he wants the dl, I say maybe for his birthday.  One day grandma Chris is over, C bats his big browns telling her how much he really wants a dream light for his birthday and how "soakin" awesome they are.  He gives her the rundown on all the details and  the next thing I know I get a phone call saying "don't buy a dream light I already got one." Thanks gma!  The fun day Cannon is with my mom in her car, notices a bag and being of five year old bag of curiosity he peeked. He is so excited he can hardly contain himself saying how he is so excited for his new dream light. My mom trying to hide it says "Oh it's not for you."  Cannon replies "yes it is, it's for my birthday and it's the exact one I wanted so it's for me."  Apparently grandma can't lie.  They take it in the house, Cannon MAKES her wrap it and she sends it home with him.  The WRAPPED dream light then sits on the dresser in his bedroom for 2, TWO weeks people!!! He never even touched it. He didn't try to open it, he didn't try to get his sister to open it, just let it be for 2 whole weeks!  He told all his friends that came to play in his room that it was a dream light from his grandma Chris but that he had to wait for his birthday to open it and it wasn't his birthday yet.  Impressed? I was!
Finally the night of the party. He grabs the dream light from his room wanting to make sure it makes it to his party.  He carefully escorts inside and places it among the rest of his gifts.  We eat, he opens presents and the dream light is the last one to be opened.  He opens it up and as if he had no idea, like it were is his first time seeing it and exclaims "It's a dream light, I always wanted one of these! Thank you so much grandma it is the exact one I wanted. I just love it!"  Look at that face! That is one happy kid who is pretty happy to have is dream light.  The beloved dream light sits on Cannon's night stand every night with a different color shinning on his ceiling.  He LOVES his dream light!

We ended the party with a slice of our delicious batman cake!

I can't believe my little guy is 5! He gets cuter every day and we can't imagine life without him.  He is SO SMART, so funny, WITTY (he gets that from his mother ;)) and so FUN!
Happy Birthday Bro! 


Tisha and Mark said...

I swear- our kids are THE SAME! Mc wants to go to Chucky Cheese so bad (I think she got her's from The Hub channel)! It is all she can talk about and I feel, that once we go for her birthday in Oct, she is going to be highly disappointed-well, at least I will be :) Happy Birthday Can! Hey, let's do a Halloween craft!!!